On Monday night, the Dream Keepers met for their annual holiday party. We ate cookies, drank lemonade, and wrote letters to Santa. Afterwards, each of the children chose a book to take home. One of the younger Dream Keepers asked me, "You mean I can keep it forever?"
"Yes!" she cheered.
All of the young people—eight boys and two girls—were equally thrilled to take home a book.
This year's collection of books for the young people came from generous donations by the Zonta Club of Milwaukee, people who purchased books through our Amazon Associateprogram, and two individuals who donated their own gently used books. Many, many thanks!
I was thrilled to read their letters to Santa. I hope you are, too. Enjoy.
Dear Santa,
I want things to change. Let there be peace instead of violence. I want everybody to have a house and a car. I don't want anybody on the street.
Sincerely, Damarious
Dear Santa,
I want God for Christmas.
I want to meet Hannah Montana for Christmas.
I want the world to be better for Christmas.
Love, Mikila
Dear Santa,
Things need to change because there is too much violence instead of peace and quiet. Things need to go right instead of wrong. And this is what I want for Christmas: a playstation 3. And the controller and a game to go with it.
Sincerely, Tramonta
Dear Santa,
I want peace, and I truly want a DSI.
Mr. DeQuan
Dear Santa,
This year I want the violence to stop. Also, I want everyone to have presents and erevyone to spread some Christmas cheer. I want everyone to be a good person and I want Brandon Jennings (a.k.a., my dad) to win a championship and everyone to be happy.
Your friend,
Leroi May
a.k.a. Leroi Jennings
Dear Santa,
I want the world to be happy. I want everyone to have fun on Christmas day, and the only thing I want for myself is to see Lebron win the championship and get MVP again.
Sincerely, Davonn May
Dear Santa,
This year all I want is a digital camera and for the world not to end in 2012. I would also like for the world to be a better place.
From, Tierra
Dear Santa,
I want the world to stop fighting each other. And come together and help each other out. I want a PSP Go.
Sincerely, Robert.
Dear Santa,
I would like the world to change and things to go right and the gas prices to go down. I would like a lot of things to be better, and I want everybody to have a happy holiday. The world has a lot of things that need to be changed, and we want you to help us.
Steven Johnson